Building Collaborative Team Relationships

This workshop is valuable in developing and maintaining a successful and effective workplace culture. The training provides participants with the strategies to build and preserve positive team dynamics therefore increasing productivity, efficiency and constructive relationships within the team. This workshop is beneficial to team that are already working well, and teams that could do with a culture boost. Content includes:

Content and discussion within this workshop includes:

  •  Definition of an effective team player 
  • Appreciating diversity within teams
  • Invalidation
  • Personal Values versus Organisational Values
  • The connection of emotional intelligence and positive team relationships
  • Addressing toxic behaviour in the workplace
  • Tuckman Model
  • Rights and responsibilities within the workplace
Length of workshop: Three hours
Maximum of participants: 25 people
Cost: $2,800.00 plus GST 

Comments from previous attendees

“The whole training session flowed well and was easy to listen to, follow and understand. I feel encouraged that our whole team did this training and we now all ‘speak the same language’. This will really helps us work together in a better way.”

“This workshop reminded me that everyone works differently and that it is not wrong for someone to be different in their approach to work. I enjoyed learning about the Tuckman Model and emotional intelligence.”

“Our team was already working well, but this training has taken it to a whole new level! I appreciate my team-mates more than ever.”

“I am new to the organisation and this workshop has helped me know my new teammates better.”

“This is my third training with Linda and I found her brilliant as always. I really appreciated the section on managing toxic behaviour in the workplace and I feel equipped to respond in a professional way if it ever occurs.”

“What an engaging training! This has opened my mind and I now understand that change within teams is normal, and that it can be a positive thing.”