Frequently asked questions

Does counselling really work?

Yes. If you really want to change, and be the best version of yourself, counselling will be effective, however you must be an active participant in the process. Sometimes it is not easy, and sometimes it is not quick, but we will work together to bring about the best outcome for you. It is possible to be happy, fulfilled and at peace.

If I need counselling, does it mean I am “crazy”?

Definitely not! Most of the great leaders in the world have received counselling from time to time in their lives.

Coming to counselling is a sign that you are brave enough to face your traumas, concerns, confusions and pain.

What should I expect from the counselling process?

I work differently with each person as each person has different concerns, different personalities and different goals.

What you can expect when working with me is compassion, understanding, acceptance, integrity, honesty, reliability and confidentiality. The counselling space is non-judgemental and non-critical. You can also expect to be challenged at times, however this is done in a safe, respectful and empowering manner. And I will believe in you, and help you to recognise your own strengths, abilities, courage, happiness and ability to cope.

How often do I need to come to counselling?

The frequency of our counselling sessions will depend on a number of factors, including the challenges you are facing, your availability, your budget and your desire to move through your issues.

Usually in the beginning, it can be important to come to counselling weekly or fortnightly in order to maintain momentum. At other times it is important to have a month between each session, in order to absorb your new realisations, or to test out your new learning’s. Some clients attend counselling on a "when-I-need-to" basis, and will content me when an issue arises or a crisis occurs.

How many counselling sessions will I need?

Every person is different. Some people will attend counselling regularly for 12 months or more, other people will attend only a few sessions. Some people come to me periodically, when a major issue arises, while other people continue to come on a regular basis.

How much does it cost?

The cost is $150.00, plus GST, per counselling session. Each session is approximately 60 minutes. Discount rates are available for those with financial constraints.

Can I claim any rebate from attending counselling with you?

Unfortunately no.

When do you work?

Week days, after hours and Saturdays.